Celebrate the Life of Vic Barfield July 19th

Calling all Russian River Artists–Aug 3 Art Festival

Reserve your table for the Rio Nido Arts and Crafts Festival August 3 from 9:30am-2:30pm. All arts and crafts welcome–including literary arts and music. If you’d like to participate email a aquila@aquilaink.com or bvdrio@sonic.net or you can call 869-8284. And don’t miss the Rio Nido Homeowners Association breakfast from 9am-12pm.



Come Play Pee Wee Golf Friday + Saturday nights through Labor Day

When’s the last time you played Pee Wee golf? Don’t forget we have our own course in Rio Nido operated by volunteers from the RNHOA every Friday & Saturday until Labor Day weekend (6:30-9:30 pm). It’s located on the corner of Rio Nido Road & Canyon 7. The clubhouse serves cold soda, snacks and family […]

Hiland: Legend Guitarist Highlights Weekend

guitar wizard virtuoso

Saturday, June 21, 2014 Rio Nido Roadhouse 14540 Canyon 2 Road, Tom Finn presents: guitarist, Johnny Hiland. $25 door/$20 advanced. Swim Lessons @RNRPool coming soon!

This weekend = 2 great sounds at the RNR

Rio Nido Surf Festival June 14 2014

Rio Nido Roadhouse 14540 Canyon 2, Rio Nio, CA www.rionidoroadhouse.com

Dance in the redwoods under the moon this Friday the 13th to the very cool SoulShine Blues Band. Then come back Saturday June 14 from 3 to 9 pm and dance in your bathing suit to […]

Fire Safety For Your Home and Our Neighborhood

(We’re re-running this article to remind everyone about what we can do to prevent fires in our neighborhood.)

Huge thanks to our local RR Fire Protection District Firefighters, Cal Fire (i.e. CDF) and Fire Safe Sonoma, especially to Caerleon Safford (FSS) and Marshall Turbeville (CalFire)!

Following are some of the important points from a presentation […]

Opening this Weekend at Pegasus–The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised]

Don’t miss the opening weekend of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised], a madcap comedy written by Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield, and directed by Nick Christenson at

All performances this coming weekend, May 16 – 18, are pay-what-you can. Friday and Saturday night performances begin at 8 PM and the […]

Celebrate Mother’s Day at The Roadhouse

14540 Canyon 2 Road, Rio Nido, 707-869-0821 www.rionidoroadhouse.com Mother’s Day at the RNR~Casual, Fun, Delicious! Brunch is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. $15 including a champagne Mimosa! Definitely bring the entire family and all your friends, too!


Egg Hunt Peep Fling Brunch Buffet

Rio Nido Roadhouse 14540 Canyon 2 Road, Rio Nido, California (707)869-0821 for details. We’d appreciate it if you’d RSVP, especially for the Brunch & Egg Hunt. Sunday, April 20th ~ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm $12.75 Brunch Buffet; Easter Egg Hunt 1:00 pm; PEEPS Catapults 2:00 pm; Bring your Diorama to display! PRIZES!!!


Historical Rio Nido Postcards & Photos

Your local Rio Nido historians are trying to work through the backlog of photos and documents to upload to our history section. Check back often to see what’s new.

We’ve added sections for photographs, Emil Janel (a very famous Rio Nido artist), the Rio Nido Lodge, post cards sets, and the Benelli Family Photo Album.
