SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th ~ The THUGZ never fail to put on a great show when they’re paying tribute to Jerry Garcia ~ or anytime, for that matter! Come help celebrate Jerry’s birthday this Saturday night, 6-10 p.m. Everyone’s always welcome to the THUGZ’s shows! $10 cover. Kids free. Rio Nido Roadhouse 14540 Canyon Two (707)869-0281 Full Bar, Restaurant, Swimming pool and more!
Phoenix at Pegasus Theater begins Friday and Saturday night at 8 pm. General admission is $15.
Join author John McCarty Saturday, Aug 2 at the Rio Nido Lodge–12pm
Dance away the night to Petty Theft Aug 2 at the Rio Nido Roadhouse
Saturday, July 19th 1:00 pm friends and neighbors honor the life of Vic Barfield at the HOA Picnic area. Bring some food + drink, good stories and memories! Scroll down to next post for more info.
6-10 pm The Rio Nido Roadhouse welcomes back Andy T. and Nick, this time on the outdoor stage with dance floor – perfect for dancing to their Nashville Blues! $10 cover. Full bar, restaurant, billiards, horseshoes, sports TV and that awesome swimming pool. 14540 Canyon 2 Road www.rionidoroadhouse.com
Sunday, July 20th from 9:00 am – 11:00 the RNHOA is hosting a Pancake Breakfast at the Picnic Park (next to the PeeWee Golf Course between Rio Nido Road and Canyon 7). Even if you’re visiting, come meet the other guests and folks of our hamlet! $7 person.
Reserve your table for the Rio Nido Arts and Crafts Festival August 3 from 9:30am-2:30pm. All arts and crafts welcome–including literary arts and music. If you’d like to participate email a aquila@aquilaink.com or bvdrio@sonic.net or you can call 869-8284. And don’t miss the Rio Nido Homeowners Association breakfast from 9am-12pm.
What are your plans for the weekend? While you figure out where you’re viewing your fireworks (Guerneville, Monte Rio, Sebastopol) don’t forget that the Rio Nido Roadhouse has Gator Nation on Friday, a marshmallow roast and night swim on Saturday, and Dginn on Sunday!
The Friends of Rio Nido are meeting Saturday at 11am next to the dog park (everyone is welcome) and the The Rio Nido Homeowners Association Independence Day Celebration starts Saturday evening and is open to the public. Food: 5pm-8pm; Music & Dancing: 5pm-9pm.
When’s the last time you played Pee Wee golf? Don’t forget we have our own course in Rio Nido operated by volunteers from the RNHOA every Friday & Saturday until Labor Day weekend (6:30-9:30 pm). It’s located on the corner of Rio Nido Road & Canyon 7. The clubhouse serves cold soda, snacks and family fun! Entrance fees: $3 Adults / $2 Children.
Pee Wee Golf at the RNHOA Park
guitar wizard virtuoso
Saturday, June 21, 2014 Rio Nido Roadhouse 14540 Canyon 2 Road, Tom Finn presents: guitarist, Johnny Hiland. $25 door/$20 advanced. Swim Lessons @RNRPool coming soon!
Rio Nido Surf Festival June 14 2014
Rio Nido Roadhouse 14540 Canyon 2, Rio Nio, CA www.rionidoroadhouse.com
Dance in the redwoods under the moon this Friday the 13th to the very cool SoulShine Blues Band. Then come back Saturday June 14 from 3 to 9 pm and dance in your bathing suit to four great bands during the Rio Nido Surf Festival! $7 Restaurant, bar and poolside snack bar. Serving brunch Saturdays & Sundays 9:00 am.
(We’re re-running this article to remind everyone about what we can do to prevent fires in our neighborhood.)
Huge thanks to our local RR Fire Protection District Firefighters, Cal Fire (i.e. CDF) and Fire Safe Sonoma, especially to Caerleon Safford (FSS) and Marshall Turbeville (CalFire)!
Following are some of the important points from a presentation and discussion with the three above agencies, who so generously attended a Friends of Rio Nido membership meeting. Please consider this information for your beneficial use, as appropriate for your residence in Rio Nido.
- Fire travels up steep slopes more than 5 times faster than downhill. Thus, for people living on a slope, particular consideration should be given to “fuel sources” that lie downhill.
- Although almost anything can be a “fuel source,” some primary examples of items that should be avoided or trimmed back to be more than 10 feet from your house: dead vegetation or trees, overhanging tree limbs, a collection of ornamental grasses/berries (e.g. junipers) since they are highly flammable, collected garbage and papers. For firewood piles, the distance should be greater (ideally >30 feet). Also related – gutter debris, brooms, and wood furniture prone to burning. And though ivy can hold moisture, it also can hide dead vegetation and kills its host tree.
- “Defensible Space” around your house is a critical aspect of reducing the probability of a nearby fire affecting to your house. This includes trimming plants and small trees around your home to avoid “ladder fuel”: vegetation that allows a fire to travel from lower plants, to increasingly taller ones and ultimately treetops (which is when it can cover vastly greater distances).
- In the case of an emergency: (1) Having your house clearly marked with reflective numbers is critical in the case of an emergency. Our local firefighters sell these signs for $15. Call 869-0553 to order. (2) Have an evacuation plan, ideally with two possible means out of your house and neighborhood.
- Note that dead/dried wood is especially problematic because it is much more prone to creating problematic embers than living trees.
Excellent information sources are abundant! Check these out for starters:
Image from Cal Fire (readyforwildfire.org)