www.rionidoroadhouse.com 14540 Canyon 2 Road (707)869-0821
Christmas Day FRI 25 DEC 11:30 a.m. Join us, keep us company. Have some good cheer!
SAT 26 DEC Friend Levi Lloyd will entertain with the blues. Upbeat tunes, too!
New Year’s Eve THU 31 DEC A masquerading and rollicking party with the THUGZ! $15 cover + appetizers all evening. Costumes welcome!
New Year’s Day FRI 1 JAN 10:00 am BRUNCH and On New Year’s Day, we’ll be serving a sumptuous BRUNCH beginning at 10 a.m. PLUS, you can watch five college football bowl games–Outback, Citrus, Fiesta, Rose, and Sugar Bowls!

Check out Events on www.rionidoroadhouse.com for bands in January.