Pegasus Work Party Feb 22



Pegasus is saying goodbye to Vermont, where Dr. Cook has joined his 30 patients/victims in the cemetery on the hill, and they’re entering David Ives’ world of his 6 short plays in All in the Timing. Because that world doesn’t really have a geographical location and is set mainly in your head (“intellectual slapstick” and “brain teasers,” as one enthusiastic critic put it), we’ll be doing black box theater.

Please join Pegasus at the theater on Saturday, February 22, noon to 5 PM at a work party where they’ll be:
  • Striking the set of Dr. Cook
  • Painting the flats
  • Tidying up dressing room and storage area
If you can come, please let them know so they have a headcount for lunch. Contact Frances Werner at franceswerner (at)

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