Fire Safe Sonoma’s Chippers Ahoy! Project provides free chipper service to Sonoma County residents engaged in making their property more wildfire safe. In the event of a wildfire, having 100 feet or more of defensible space has been clearly demonstrated to help save homes. Likewise, thinning vegetation on access roads can make it safer for residents and firefighters. We hope that having free chipper service to help you dispose of woody debris may inspire you to create beautiful, healthy and firewise landscapes around your homes and on roadsides.
Who is Eligible?
Sonoma County residents who are thinning vegetation to take care of defensible space requirements are eligible. Defensible Space is a 100+ foot radius around structures and along access roads. Please see Living with Fire in Sonoma County to learn more about Defensible Space and how to create it.
For more information including how to participate and how long the process will take, go to Fire Safe Sonoma’s website.
Want to pass a flyer around in your neighborhood? Use this printable version.